Local Committees Offer Chance to Grow Networks and Skills

by Sean Donovan


The Tempe Chamber of Commerce offers the chance to collaborate with other people in the community through one of its many committees. Varied in purpose and scope, each offers unique and valuable opportunities to become involved and grow your network and skill set. They include Business Development, Military Affairs, Government Relations, Transportation, Ambassadors, Women in Business, Business Owners and more.

Through this committee structure, the organization reaffirms and supports its five core competencies: Creating a strong local economy; Promoting the community; Representing the interests of business in government; Providing networking opportunities and taking politica action

This month’s featured committee is the Women in Business Council. It meets from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. on the first Thursday of each month. Its purposes are to foster the growth and success of business people through ongoing personal and professional development, plan seminars featuring empowering and inspiring speakers, and sustain a dynamic mentor program to develop high potential leaders. For more information or to attend a meeting as a guest simply email info@tempechamber.org with “Committee Meeting” in the subject line.

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