Changes at the Chamber

by Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce


Anna Mineer


Brittany Allen


Leslie Nyquist

The Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors elected a new Chair and Chair-Elect of the organization. Bryce Lloyd, President of FirstBank will assume the role of Chair and Steve Helm will become the new Chair-Elect. Each will serve up to two years in those important roles.

The Board also elected several new members to the board:

Michelle Greenberg, Comerica Bank

Todd Hardy, Arizona State University Foundation

Cherie Martin, Banner Behavioral Health

Mike Miller, Scottsdale Insurance Company

Jerry Schwallier, Arizona Bank and Trust

Fred Unger, Spring Creek Development

Rick Kidder, President/CEO of the Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce, announced key personnel changes in June.

 Anna Mineer, who has worked at the chamber for two years guaranteeing the success of Chamber Signature Events, has been named Vice President of Business Development. In addition to her crucial responsibilities in sponsorship opportunities and signature event execution, Anna will work with the general member sales team, guiding them to attract and retain record numbers of new members.

Brittany Allen, who came on board part-time last November and oversaw the chamber’s conversion to a new database, has joined the team on a full-time basis, assuming new duties that will include accounts receivable and working with planning and executing all board meetings and activities.

At the end of July, the chamber bid farewell to Leslie Nyquist, a woman who redefined loyalty and dedication over her 43 years at the chamber. Leslie will continue to be involved with the chamber in her retirement as she works with past board members to stage the annual history hall of fame event next April. Leslie can never be replaced.

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