Get non-medicated relief from headache pain and anxiety, sleep better and feel less stressed with The Desk Light from Allay. Everyday light creates very large electrical signals in the eye, with a direct path to the brain. This influences everything from mood to sleep. Developed by Harvard Medical School professor and neuroscientist Rami Burstein, a world leader in the science of migraine and headache pain, the innovative Allay lamp works by emitting a precise band of natural green light, which generates far smaller electrical signals to the eye and brain. The result is a calmer mind, which helps improve sleep and reduce pain — even during headaches and migraines.
Allay’s The Desk Light is great for lighting up a workspace or focusing on a book before bed. Allay’s patented glow naturally soothes the brain, reducing stress, anxiety and headaches. Its cutting-edge technology features simple touch controls and includes a built-in wireless charger for a phone. The Allay team is focused on one simple mission: to help people with light sensitivity emerge from the darkness and get back to doing what they love. While many can benefit from this innovative product, it’s especially helpful for those who are not able to use the stronger prescription migraine medications or when acceptable over-the-counter headache medications don’t work well enough.
Merilee Kern is a Forbes Business Council, Newsweek Expert Forum and Rolling Stone Culture Council member.
Photo courtesy of Allay