3 Hours a Day

by Mike Hunter

It wasn’t long ago that entrepreneurs believed non-stop hustle was essential for success, equating the hours put in to their level of ambition. But for many independent business owners today, living through the stressful pandemic years has shown there has to be a better, more sustainable way. In 3 Hours a Day, Knolly Williams offers first-hand evidence that smart entrepreneurs can do what they love — and enjoy far more money and free time — while working less and living more.
Williams, also known as The Business Healer, shows readers how to transform their work life in a proven 7-step process that includes prioritizing dollar-producing activities while relegating non-dollar-producing activities to a capable crew. The book is filled with practical advice, useful tips for prioritizing and more.

3 Hours a Day: How Entrepreneurs Can Multiply Their Income By Working Less and Living More
Knolly Williams
McGraw Hill
Available 7/25/2023
208 pages

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