What most notably stands out about your leadership style or what is an example of leadership success you can share with our readers?
At Plaza Companies, we are committed to success, engagement, performance and persistence. Traits that are embedded in every decision, project and relationship are respect, accountability and excellence. This describes what I strive for daily as CEO and chairman. But leadership at Plaza Companies really excels in these areas as well. Every sector of Plaza has a depth of impressive leaders in their respective fields, and these experts serve as members of the Plaza Executive Council. The leadership is deep, diverse and highly talented — this is the true example of superb leadership. Great leadership empowers others, and it is the growth and success of many that create essential depth, education, loyalty and opportunity for an organization. I am very proud of the successes that have resulted from the leadership style and depth at Plaza Companies.
What impact has COVID-19 or the disruptions of the past 18 months had on you as a leader?
Plaza Companies decided at the very beginning of COVID that no employee would be put on leave, have their compensation reduced or have their hours reduced. Although at the time the future was uncertain, Plaza put our team first. We protected their jobs, salaries, families and work environment.
We were committed to our responsibilities as an organization. Our tenants, buildings and projects were protected and managed and we did all we could to not miss a beat during the pandemic. It was a struggle for Plaza just as it was for everyone, but that commitment and consistent approach paid off. The company continued to grow, construction projects stayed on track, and our support of tenants and their many different situations saved the day.
During the pandemic crisis, I personally engaged in sourcing and distributing Personal Protective Equipment at a time when government, hospital systems, senior living communities and nonprofit organizations were desperate and at risk. Along with a colleague, I brought in 11 million pieces of PPE. Governor Ducey provided distribution support from the Arizona National Guard and the PPE went to most every hospital throughout the State of Arizona, the Native Tribal Lands, public safety organizations and senior living communities.
What do you feel we can be doing as a business community to empower economic growth here?
Strong engagement in the community, education institutions, boards and commissions, government and nonprofits can empower our entire city and state. This collaboration of time and talent brings power and a higher level of success to all. Plaza Companies strongly encourages community engagement at all levels as we believe it is our responsibility as business leaders.
Significant engagement in politics, including supporting strong political leaders, will greatly impact the future of Arizona. As leaders, we should be uniquely focused on protecting and enhancing the reputation and the brand of our State.
Finally, active engagement in the top areas that strengthen economic growth is essential. From my perspective, the top priorities are education from early childhood through K–12 and into higher education, as well as job training. Ensuring opportunity for every single child and every zip code equally is paramount, and it’s important we support job training programs and options, equality in healthcare delivery and services for every citizen, job and education opportunities for those released from prisons, and immigration reform to provide employment. Success with these specific focuses would transform the future for our residents and for our State.
What is new and notable for your company’s near future that will impact our economy?
Plaza Companies has an exciting and bright horizon!
Our success and our growth — the very future of the organization — is on the shoulders of a great reputation, years of performance and results, a dynamic and talented leadership group, and core values that have not wavered.
We are immensely proud of our partnerships with Arizona State University, Creighton University Health Sciences Campus and the municipalities of Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale and Peoria. We greatly value our institutional and health systems partners, our business partners and investors, our tenants, our employees, and our architect and general contractor partners.
2022 will see significant new development and growth at SkySong, The ASU Scottsdale Innovation Center, Park Central, our medical office and senior housing platforms, City of Glendale projects, and growth in our third-party services with our institutional and family office investors.
Name of Leader: Sharon Harper
Position of Leader: CEO, Chairman & Co-Founder
Company Name: Plaza Companies
No. of Years with Company: 39
Main Local Office Address: 9401 W. Thunderbird Rd., Peoria, AZ 85381
Phone: (623) 972-1184
Website: theplazaco.com
Number of offices in Greater Phoenix: 5
Year Established Locally: 1982
City Nationally Headquartered: Peoria