Return on Integrity 

by Mike Hunter

Return-on-IntegrityCore values have been featured in countless books over the last decade, but none has taken the search as deep or has focused on the intersection of leaders’ personal values and those of their organization. At this intersection, Return on Integrity reveals the linchpin of leadership and legacy. Core values are not just a guide; they should be the basis of every decision and action in an organization. The new ROI is the value built between personal and organizational core values — a stronger organization built on a stronger base. The new ROI is also the return CEOs and leadership teams experience by living and leading with integrity.

Title: Return on Integrity: The New Definition of ROI and Why Leaders Need to Know It
Author: John G. Blumberg
Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press
Available: 4/19/2016
Pages: N/A
Cost: $25.95

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