Kim Ryder

President, Thrive Real Estate Group

by Kim Ryder

Q: What most notably stands out about your leadership style or what is an example of leadership success you can share with our readers?

As a leader, my philosophy is “create something bigger than yourself.” I am a visionary who aims to think outside the box and provide my team with the support they need to be successful. My responsibility as a leader is to motivate individuals to surpass their own expectations. Through their growth, the building blocks of our team become stronger. I set high standards because I genuinely believe in their potential to be the best versions of themselves. I hold myself personally accountable for the growth and success of my team. No matter where they are in their professional development, I want them to understand that they can overcome any challenge. 

Q:  What impact has COVID-19 or the disruptions of the past 18 months had on you as a leader?

As a leader, I’ve observed the unique dynamics that emerged during the remote work phase. While we were able to maintain productivity, it quickly became evident that many of us needed a human connection and weren’t designed to be in isolation. Working together in the same space is about the energy, the camaraderie and the shared experiences that build relationships and contribute to the overall culture. Working remotely through COVID-19 made me appreciate in-person meetings and discussions. Today, I look for opportunities to meet with people in person and foster positive human connection and understanding. 

Q: What do you feel we can be doing as a business community to empower economic growth here?

To empower economic growth, there is so much opportunity for cities and municipalities to come together to see beyond boundary lines for more impactful and innovative solutions that benefit the greater good. Cities that embrace innovative and flexible approaches to development are better equipped to address the evolving needs of their communities. This might involve reimagining zoning regulations, encouraging mixed-use developments, or implementing sustainable urban planning practices. It is also crucial that we maintain constructive relationships with elected officials and policy makers, as working closely with them, we have the power and ability to make lasting and effective changes that benefit communities and economic growth.

Q: What is new and notable for your company’s near future that will impact our economy?

Our organization is attuned to the dynamic changes happening around us. From population growth to increased demands for retail and housing, our team wants to be a part of the substantial change and growth in our municipalities and cities. Our brokerage and development divisions are gearing up to take on new clients in order to expand our position for a more robust and impactful future. We aspire to be deeply ingrained in the fabric of the community through projects that are based and focused around members of our community. By fostering relationships and understanding the unique needs of the areas we serve, we are laying the groundwork for impactful and sustainable initiatives that go beyond traditional real estate and development endeavors.

Name of Leader: Kim Ryder

Position of Leader: President of Thrive Real Estate

Company Name: Thrive Real Estate Group

Main Local Office Address: 2355 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85016

Phone: (602) 730-3261


Number of offices in Greater Phoenix: 1

Year Established Locally: 2022

City Nationally Headquartered: Phoenix

No. of Years with Firm: 1

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