HealthspanMD Founder Dares to Fix a Fragmented System

How Robert Todd Hurst, M.D., is ushering in a new approach to patient-centered cardiology

by Andrea Aker

It’s no secret that gaps and bureaucracy in the healthcare system are impacting the quality of care. Yet the issues have become so big and complex, few people are willing tackle to them head on. Board-certified cardiologist Robert Todd Hurst, M.D., FACC, FASE, is among the innovative providers who are choosing to chart a new path, putting patients first, exhibiting the highest ethical standards and making it easier and simpler to get high-quality cardiology care.

As founder of HealthspanMD in Phoenix, Dr. Hurst has created a cardiology practice that delivers concierge-level care — but is paid for by Medicare and commercial insurance. New patients are seen in days, not months. Their appointments aren’t rushed. Dr. Hurst and his team aim to get to the root of health issues and address lifestyle habits, going beyond the traditional “medicate and operate” approach that he says is often short-lived and unsustainable. 

The concept is clearly sound, yet delivering this level of care in today’s healthcare environment — coupled with societal perceptions that a pill can deliver a quick fix — is no easy feat. 

How It Started 

For nearly 20 years, Dr. Hurst practiced cardiology at Mayo Clinic, largely with a focus on prevention. Landing his so-called “dream job” instilled a great sense of purpose and meaning but, as time went on, he became frustrated by the lack of proactivity in care and over-reliance on medications. Many of the conditions his patients experienced could have been better controlled or prevented altogether if they understood the impact of their lifestyle choices and, specifically, how to adapt their habits. 

“Medications and surgical procedures certainly have their place, but it’s unrealistic to expect quick fixes will simply eliminate all heart problems,” he says. “A longer and healthier life — your healthspan — requires a comprehensive approach. And today’s healthcare system isn’t set up to deliver this approach.” 

Equally frustrated, motivated and inspired, Dr. Hurst left the stability and resources of one of the nation’s most highly reputed healthcare institutions to launch his own practice — one that not only delivers a comprehensive approach to cardiology, but also makes it easier for patients to see a doctor in the first place. 

“Mayo allowed me to expand my horizons and I made incredible strides in the field of preventive cardiology, but I was losing the sense of purpose I began with,” Dr. Hurst says. “I knew where the gaps were, and I felt compelled to do my part to fix them.” 

Navigating Roadblocks 

HealthspanMD opened its doors in February 2023 with a mission to bring a comprehensive and connected approach to cardiology to help people prevent, treat and even reverse chronic heart conditions, including atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease and high blood pressure. Dr. Hurst was clear on the care aspect, yet running the business side presented numerous challenges. 

“With a medical practice, you can’t simply file a license and open your doors. We had to navigate credentialing, insurance, billing and other administrative procedures that make simpler healthcare incredibly complex,” he says. “If I wasn’t so personally drawn to this mission, it would have been difficult to see it through.” 

One step at a time, Dr. Hurst and his team found their way around the administrative barriers so they could deliver the care they really wanted — and they could make it affordable by accepting Medicare and most commercial insurance plans. 

Another major challenge involved targeting the right market. 

“As a society, we seek out on-demand and quick fixes, with healthcare and beyond,” he continues. “We have had to pivot numerous times to find the right people who are committed to lasting change and truly want to reverse their heart issues. Our messaging, advertising and efforts to educate our audiences has evolved significantly in the last year.” 

An Eye on the Future 

With a steady flow of patients and renewed sense of purpose, Dr. Hurst is also turning his attention to more gaps in the healthcare system, in addition to common cardiology conditions. He is soon launching an Executive Health Program that’s specially designed for busy professionals with limited time, and he’s exploring the addition of a primary care practice focused on seniors. 

“I don’t have all the solutions, but I have uncovered enough solutions so that I can provide the highest level of care that I possibly can,” he says. “Our patients are grateful, and their improved healthspans have far-reaching ripple effects.”

At a Glance

Company: HealthspanMD Cardiology
Founder: Robert Todd Hurst, M.D.
Headquarters: Phoenix (Arcadia)
Employees: 12

Who They Are: HealthspanMD™ Cardiology provides proactive, ongoing care to help patients mitigate heart issues — including coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure and more. The programs deliver concierge-level care, paid for by Medicare and most insurance. Patients receive step-by-step guidance from a dedicated care team to create clear, daily habits and achieve individualized health, weight and longevity goals. 


Did You Know: A 2018 American Heart Association study reports a healthcare approach rooted in sustainable, heart-healthy lifestyle changes and prevention can reduce risk of heart disease by more than 90% and even add up to 14 healthy years to one’s life.

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