Ron Butler, Ernst & Young LLP

from Ron Butler

Business giants had to grow into their footprint. Whatever idea or inspiration was the foundation for the business’s inception, successful growth required the same thing: effective management of the business’s assets. Capital — its acquisition and disbursement — is arguably the most significant element of a business’s operations.

Ron-ButlerRon Butler is the managing partner of the Phoenix office of Ernst & Young LLP. Bringing more than 23 years of accounting and auditing experience, he provides strategic guidance with the operation and management of the Arizona practice. Active in his community, he is a member of the University of Arizona Eller College National Board of Advisors; chairman for Downtown Phoenix Partnership; vice-chairman of Arizona Community Foundation; member of Greater Phoenix Leadership; member of Greater Phoenix Economic Council Executive Committee; and co-chairman of the International Leadership Council.

Striking a balance between risk and reward can be challenging. EY’s latest Capital Confidence Barometer clearly shows the many complex issues on today’s boardroom agenda. Cost reduction is no longer just an operational issue, but rather a strategic imperative. Still, pressure remains for businesses to grow, and a company’s ability to raise capital quickly and effectively is integral to its growth potential. Today’s leading businesses understand that staying ahead of the curve demands reshaping for the future with a focus on effective capital management.

Best practices for a company’s financial health is the broad topic explored in this month’s cover story. In Business Magazine editor RaeAnne Marsh spoke with executives, bankers, accountants and attorneys to present insights and tips that go beyond the strictly financial but strongly impact the bottom line.

This October issue also features the In Business Magazine Lending Guide, its fourth annual listing of local lenders — a powerful resource for business owners and those starting a business.

Elections are coming up next month, and among the important decisions facing voters is the choice for Governor of Arizona. For this October issue’s “Roundtable,” gubernatorial candidates Doug Ducey (Rep.), Fred DuVal (Dem.), Barry Hess (Libert.) and J.L. Mealer (Indep.) were invited to share their agenda on building business and growing Arizona’s economy.

Other features in this issue include a look at biotech as an important business sector, an examination of legal considerations in commercial leasing, and advice to help businesses avoid a common misstep in sales. The second installment of a three-part Healthcare series explores the issues of coverage and networks.

With its mission to inform and encourage business in our community, In Business Magazine offers important and relevant information for this, its financial issue. I hope you enjoy it.


Ron Butler
Managing Partner
Ernst & Young LLP

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