You Only Have to Be Right Once

by Mike Hunter

You-Only-Have-To-Be-Right-OnceSilicon Valley’s new billionaires are an unconventional breed, turning ideas into money at a rate never before seen in human history. Among these golden boys are: Elon Musk, billionaire bachelor and founder of PayPal, electric carmaker Tesla, and private space company SpaceX; Evan Spiegel, 23-year old founder of Snapchat, who recently turned down a $3 billion offer from Facebook; and Alex Karp, the eccentric philosopher with almost no tech background who turned Palantir into a data-mining champion. Over the last three years, Forbes has published in-depth profiles of this new batch of billionaires. Now, fans and critics alike will get a comprehensive look at who these super-entrepreneurs are and what they say about their own success and their plans for the future.

Randall Lane

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