Health & Business

by Rick McCartney

There was a time when, if healthcare was provided to employees, it was farmed out and as much a part of business as a service call. Today, it is integral to each of our businesses and much more than just a line item. Healthcare has become a part of how we employ, incentivize and retain people to build our companies. In this issue, we take an advance look at what businesses need to be focused on, what some local leading companies are doing to improve benefits, company best practices and even products to empower our workforce and bottom line — all at the same time.

We thank David Allazetta for leading this issue and being a part of our upcoming Priority: Healthcare event on May 5th. UnitedHealthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona and Delta Dental (among many others) are supporting this important event and providing great information for local businesses both in the pages of our Healthcare Guide and at the event itself.

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