Regarding your company’s marketing strategies, what is a dramatic tactic you tried in these past two years, and what outcome did you derive from it?
Robert L. “Bob” Meyer
President and CEO
Phoenix Children’s Hospital
Sector: Healthcare
What some may define as a “dramatic” marketing tactic has quickly become common sense for Phoenix Children’s: We are creating instant online communities between parents, patients and care teams. This includes live Facebook Q&A videos with our clinical staff and live Periscope video of surgeries underway at the hospital. Both of these give our audiences a chance to see behind the curtain, and get questions answered in real time by our staff.
So far, we use Facebook Live as an avenue for Valley parents to get insider access to our hospital’s best and brightest. They can use the scheduled video sessions as ways to learn about pediatric medical topics (e.g., headaches in children, allergies, etc.) and comment or ask questions however they see fit. More than a dozen patients’ families indicated that watching our live-streamed surgery on Periscope influenced them to come to our hospital for the same procedure. Live social sharing takes the “scary” out of healthcare, and adds a new layer of transparency to the great work underway at Phoenix Children’s.
Robert L. “Bob” Meyer serves as CEO for Phoenix Children’s Hospital, recognized as a leading children’s hospital for its high volume and quality care. Under his leadership, the organization has clarified its vision for quality, growth and integration. With a focus on bringing care closer to home, Phoenix Children’s has grown from a single campus to offer services in a dozen clinical locations statewide and growing.
Erik Olsson
President and CEO
Mobile Mini
Sector: Storage
With 30 years in the storage industry, we understand the importance of market expertise, knowing our customers and maintaining a strong local presence. Our go-to market growth plan is designed around local market potential and current activity. We recently designed and launched a marketing tool that creates real-time zip code level projections for current and known future construction projects. This level of detail drives the deployment of our team, and, as a result, we have created 30 percent more sales territories.
Our sales representatives capitalize on our cutting-edge technology to target specific companies and projects within their territories. Depending on the stages of a project and the type of work being performed, we can also predict our customers’ needs, and proactively reach out to existing and potential new customers. The implementation of this sophisticated technology, along with superior customer service from our local teams, has provided our sales force powerful data to identify opportunities, support local partnerships and more effectively service our customers.
Erik Olsson, president and chief executive officer, joined Mobile Mini in April 2013. Prior to joining Mobile Mini, Olsson was the president and chief executive officer of RSC Holdings, and has held several global leadership positions in Sweden and Brazil as well as the United States. Olsson earned a degree in Business Administration and Economics from the University of Gothenburg.
Stefanie Teller
Corporate Director of Public Relations & Marketing
Sundt Construction, Inc.
Sector: Construction
Sundt celebrated its 125th anniversary by creating a book featuring the company’s 125 most transformative projects.
The process of creating the book was as innovative as the contents. Ideas were suggested by employees and retirees, and we engaged graphic design students from several colleges and universities in a competition to create the look of the book’s five chapters. The winners were awarded scholarships and their bios were included in the book. The book’s 3-D cover was designed and printed by Sundt’s engineers.
The book earned Sundt a significant amount of media attention and desired publicity. We hand-delivered copies to our clients, many of whom have projects featured in its pages. “The 125” won a Gold Addy Award from the Phoenix Chapter of the American Advertising Federation.
A secondary benefit of creating “The 125” is that it encouraged us to document and preserve our historical projects. That information is now available for use in marketing materials and proposals.
“The 125” was a dramatic marketing tactic that successfully furthered employee pride, client relations, publicity and more.
Stefanie Teller is a communications professional with nearly 20 years of experience developing and executing successful public relations and marketing campaigns, brand management, content strategy, crisis communications, writing and editing, corporate messaging and employee communications. She is a specialist in the architecture/engineering/construction industry and currently works as Director of Public Relations & Marketing for Sundt Construction, Inc., a full-service general contractor headquartered in Tempe, Arizona.