The pandemic has caused billions of people and millions of companies to shift to remote work overnight, with most of them doing this out of necessity and survival. For companies that have made the shift to working from home, there have been some surprising benefits. Though no one would choose the current situation, being forced to rely on collaborative technology has helped some companies and employees realize the hidden benefits.
More productive meetings. Instead of crowded conference rooms, companies have become more intentional about objectives and outcomes of meetings.
Higher meeting attendance. Because everyone is working from home, it is now noticeable who is attending meetings and who isn’t. With the unemployment rate over 14 percent, people have an increased desire to not only attend meetings, but to be more attentive while in them.
Increased productivity. A recent Stanford survey found that employees who work from home are 13 percent more productive than their in-office counterparts.
Taking breaks during a normal workday is a new normal. Often when people are tied to a desk, they don’t break for lunch. Very valuable time is lost; sometimes employees need to reset and refocus for the remainder of the workday. Now, employees can take short breaks to cook lunch, take their dog out, and bond with their children.
Lower Overhead. Companies now realize that expenses like commercial real estate are not a needed expense while leveraging a remote workforce. Some companies may reduce the number of office locations or stop them all together as a result of coronavirus.
Autonomy balanced with accountability. Usually, employees have to change the way they work to fit a certain office culture; because of COVID19, employees have the ability to operate in a way that suits them. Of course, certain rules have to be put in place, but within those guidelines, teams will have the freedom to create an environment and a schedule that allows them to perform at their best.
Moe Vela is the chief transparency officer of TransparentBusiness.