Empowered Success: The Female Influence in Courtesy Auto’s Finance Department

An open letter from the all-female Courtesy Automotive Group finance director ‘Dream Team’

by Sofia Faussette, Dora Herrmann, Clarissa Martinez, Dana Miller and Misty Peckins 

Automotive dealerships are dominated by nearly 80% men, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics from 2022, and yet the finance “Dream Team” at Phoenix-based Courtesy Automotive Group is a diverse team of five disparate females. We direct finance department operations across dealerships for a $1 billion dealership group. We believe our success has as much to do with being … [More]

Workday Microstressors Wearing You Down? Here’s How to Defuse Them

by Michael E. Frisina, Ph.D.

Do you typically come home from work feeling exhausted, depleted and demoralized? Have you ever wondered why? After all, it’s unlikely that anything went terribly wrong. When you look back over the day, you might recall a few minor headaches, some rapid-fire problem-solving and a handful of decisions made on the fly — in other words, just the wear and tear of daily business. So … [More]

Chaos Isn’t a Bad Thing (and Eight Other Truths Leaders Need to Know)

by Gary Harpst

Twenty-first-century leaders are no strangers to chaos — and the last few years have underscored that truth. We ride nonstop waves of disruption and uncertainty in various forms: supply-chain upheavals, staff shortages, changing attitudes about work, wildly shifting workplace demographics and ever-evolving technology. And that’s not even counting the chaos that comes with the … [More]

Why Unconditional Love Is a Leader’s Number-One Job—and How to Start Practicing It Now

by Gary Harpst

Leaders, you may have heard: Your job description has changed. It’s no longer enough to set goals, give assignments, provide feedback, and measure performance. Now, you also have to care…especially if you lead millennial and Gen Z employees. But how important is that, really? Very important, insists Gary Harpst—and this summer is the perfect time to start. “What caring … [More]

What Are Some Benefits of Executive Coaching?

by John Waters

When it comes to starting a business or leading an existing one those at the top are under a lot of stress to perform. Many business leaders turn to executive coaches to help them undertake the daily tasks of leading and growing a company. Executives are looking for help with leadership, dealing with change, stress and many other issues. This is where hiring an executive coach … [More]

How a Quick Assessment Can Propel Your Company’s Growth and Success

by Matt Blanton, Nick Scarabosio and Corwin Smith

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is beyond important and crucial for long-term success. As a business owner or entrepreneur, you understand the importance of consistent improvement and growth. By performing a business analysis, you organize your strategy and strengthen your ability to achieve your overarching goals. There are many … [More]

How to Build Resilience Instead of Chasing Zero Errors

by Jake Mazulewicz, Ph.D.

Wildland firefighters. Air traffic controllers. Flight deck crews of Navy aircraft carriers. Operators of nuclear power plants and the national bulk electric grid. These are among the safest and most reliable work teams in the world. And they don’t try to eliminate all errors and surprises. Decades of experience have shown that the crusade to eliminate every error is both … [More]

‘I Want to Help … but Should I?’ 

Five ways leaders can practice responsible generosity

by Gary Harpst

Most leaders have been there: We see someone who needs help, and we quickly provide it, only to end up feeling taken advantage of. Maybe you helped an employee out of a financial jam, only to see them keep making bad decisions. Or you spent hours coaching a younger colleague and then watched him ignore your advice. Or you stepped in to “rescue” a teammate who wasn’t prepared … [More]

Humble Bistro’s Chef and Co-Owner Stays Humble

Jorge Gomez focuses on the guest experience

by Alli Cripe  

Jorge Gomez’s love for food started in Sonora, Mexico. His mother, grandmother and extended family found joy in the kitchen preparing food, whether it was preparing tamales or making chocolate from scratch. Love existed in the kitchen and, when he was seven years old, he knew this was his calling. At 17, he started his culinary adventure by attending the Culinary Institute of … [More]

Leading through Disruption

by Mike Hunter

In Leading Through Disruption, Andrew Liveris provides a new leadership paradigm for resilience and agility in a rapidly changing world. This book is a must-read guide for leaders in various sectors who are keen on not only ensuring current success but protecting the planet’s future for everyone. Liveris, who was recently chosen to lead the Brisbane 2032 Olympic Organizing … [More]

$1M Investment in Valley Leadership to Continue Support for Reimagined Programming


Five years after the launch of Valley Leadership’s “Pivot Towards Impact”, leading philanthropic partners have renewed their investments totaling more than $1 million in the organization’s evolutionary shift on how it develops a culture of leadership steeped in values, action and engagement of more leaders. Valley Leadership has evolved from a traditional, nine-month … [More]

Selling Your Business? These CEO Qualities Drive Strong Private Equity Partnerships

by Rob Wolfman

For many founders looking to sell the business they’ve spent years building, partnering with a private equity firm is the best path forward. For founders considering this course of action, it’s essential to know what private equity firms look for in a CEO or management team they are considering backing. While elements like investment criteria will vary by firm, some are more … [More]

Turning Setbacks into Opportunities: How to Embrace Challenges as a Chance for Growth

by Daria Orozco, CSP

Setbacks are a natural part of life. Even the most successful people in the world have failed before advancing in life. One of the most talented basketball players in the world, Michael Jordan, has famously admitted to missing more than 9,000 shots in his career and losing almost 300 games. Walt Disney, another example, was fired from his job at a newspaper early in his career … [More]

Batten Down the Hatches: Fine Tune Your Small Business Plan for Any Economic Environment

by Jake Hymes

In recognition of the more than 33 million small businesses in the U.S., we are sharing helpful best practices to fine tune your business plan to weather economic shifts. Responsibly manage your business debt Interest rates changes have significant impacts on business lending. To effectively manage your debt, consider these financial tactics before applying for a business … [More]

The 3 God-Given Desires That Can Make or Break Us (and Why Leaders Need to Understand Them)


Human desire is a double-edged sword. On one hand, our God-given desires—rooted in primal needs for power, reproduction, and identity—fuel our efforts to transform chaos into order. But left unrealized, unchecked, or unchanneled, they can damage and undermine us. Gary Harpst says great leaders must understand the dual nature of desire, because it can either motivate teams to … [More]

Five Ways Leaders Can Practice Responsible Generosity


Most leaders have been there: We see someone who needs help, and we quickly provide it, only to end up feeling taken advantage of. Maybe you helped an employee out of a financial jam, only to see them keep making bad decisions. Or you spent hours coaching a younger colleague and then watched him ignore your advice. Or you stepped in to “rescue” a teammate who wasn’t prepared … [More]

Listening Is the First Step

Business leaders need to listen to their employees and to their business

by Bruce Weber 

Listening is a powerful tool in any business setting and a critical skill that can enable a business to understand what its employees need, what they desire in their work, and how the business can become more successful. Listening, however, can be challenging for many business owners and managers who are often focused on the bottom line, meeting targets and achieving … [More]

Use an Advisory Board to Benefit a Business

Seasoned, impartial experts add market strength

by Rick Jackson

We can probably all agree that many businesses often operate with scarce resources and limited expertise, sometimes making it challenging to navigate complex business decisions. However, if a business owner had the opportunity to solve this problem by consulting a team of experts solely dedicated to providing guidance based on previous experiences, wouldn’t they take it? I am … [More]

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