Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport has been accredited by Airports Council International (ACI) for providing a safe airport experience for all travelers. The ACI Airport Health Accreditation program requires a thorough assessment of an airport’s cleaning and safety practices. Those practices are then measured against the international industry standard. In order to receive the ACI Airport Health Accreditation, Sky Harbor was evaluated in several areas including: Cleaning and disinfection; cleaning products used; staff training; ventilation and air flow; availability of hand sanitizer; the use of touchless technology and more.
“It gives me great satisfaction to be able to share with our customers, our business partners, and our employees that PHX is achieving among the highest standards in the industry when it comes to providing for a safe, secure, and healthy airport environment,” said Chad Makovsky, Director of Aviation Services for the City of Phoenix. “This simply would not have been possible without our amazing team at the City of Phoenix, particularly our Sky Harbor Facilities and Services staff.”
Phoenix Sky Harbor and other airports will be required to renew their Accreditation annually. In addition to this recognition, Phoenix Sky Harbor, Phoenix Deer Valley and Phoenix Goodyear Airports received the Global Biorisk Advisory Council’s GBAC Star™ accreditation in March of this year. The GBAC facility accreditation is an outbreak prevention, response, and recovery accreditation for facilities and represents a high level of achievement within the cleaning industry. Sky Harbor is one of the few airports in the U.S. with both GBAC Star™ and ACI Accreditation.
Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, America’s Friendliest Airport®, has an annual economic impact of more than $38 billion. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 1,200 aircraft and more than 125,000 passengers arrived at and departed from Sky Harbor every day. PHX Sky Harbor is funded with Airport revenue. No tax dollars are used to support the Airport.