Music Improves Workplace Productivity and Keeps Employees Connected

Create a positive culture that hits the right note every time

by Ross Honey

The most innovative workplaces are proactively seeking fresh ways to stand out from the crowd by dancing to the beat of a new tune and cultivating an environment where teams go against the grain of isolation. Separation from the rest of the team is not what fills our work lives with meaning or satisfaction, so employers are uncovering new opportunities to boost productivity and spark connections. In fact, according to a prominent Deloitte study, the feeling of “belonging” in the workplace can lead to a 56% increase in job performance, a 50% reduction in turnover risk and a 75% decrease in sick days.

The time is now to bring team members back together and make workplace communities stronger than ever before with the binding power of a positive culture. While achieved in many ways, here’s how incorporating an interactive music system within the office environment can boost productivity, happiness and creativity, and keep employees looking forward to showing up and contributing every day. 

Maximize Performance through Productivity

When it comes to employee performance, positive culture is the key ingredient in the recipe for success. Companies with highly engaged employees have been shown to outperform those without by 202%, according to a study by PostBeyond in 2018, and show 21% greater profitability, according to a Gallup report updated last year. How can organizations foster a positive culture that boosts engagement and productivity? By tuning in to the power of music. 

Countless studies have illustrated how music boosts work productivity and helps reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Not only does music motivate, but it also helps with focus and creativity. Everyone has that one song that puts them in the zone for deeply focused work. Athletes use music to get fired up for their sport, so shouldn’t everyone have that same opportunity for an adrenaline rush? Whether preparing for a big pitch meeting, or to make an important call, the right beat can significantly improve mindset and boost performance on that task, a win-win for all parties involved.

In addition to productivity and motivation, higher levels of engagement are inspired when employees are able to control and contribute to the workplace environment. This can be achieved through an interactive music system that allows team members to take turns choosing and communicating song preferences. By putting the power in the hands of the team, employers are ensuring everyone has the chance to be represented and work in an atmosphere where they feel most motivated. 

Heighten Creative Inspiration 

Music is a form of artistic expression, which means it can be used to inspire creativity of all forms and functions. One study found that participants who listened to upbeat music had significantly higher scores on divergent thinking than those who performed in silence. Those same high-scoring participants came up with more creative and innovative ideas as well as more ideas overall. Divergent thinking is the ability to develop multiple, unique solutions to a given problem. In other words, divergent creativity is the ability to think outside the box. 

When employees are able to challenge themselves with new ways of thinking, they contribute more to the organization’s overall success. They will likely speak up more in meetings and feel less fear in sharing their ideas, which will significantly improve their productivity and connection with other coworkers. And to think music can play a significant role in making this happen. 

Inspire Open-Minded Connections from the Inside Out 

Research shows how upbeat music can make listeners feel more optimistic about life and slower tempos quiet their mind and relax muscles, instilling a soothing and stress-relieving effect. Both these music styles encourage the feeling of connecting with and opening up to others.

Each of us wears our own “shell” to guard us against the fear of rejection. Employees need to feel encouraged and assured they can openly connect with those around them. Music is one powerful way that can be achieved. When we feel comfortable in our environment, our proverbial walls are lowered, allowing us to share and accept new ideas and information. 

Increased Sense of Community

It is scientifically proven that culture and society are bonded together through the uniting power of music. Since the beginning of humanity, ceremonial and social celebrations in every part of the world have used music to connect the group of people in attendance. 

Eventually, every group of people developed their own rhythm and ritual, which would serve as that group’s identifier to this modern day. That is why a group of people who enjoy the same song or genre are able to connect instantly with each other. There is a common ground created where workers are free to be themselves and form a relationship with those around them.  

Ross Honey is president and CEO of TouchTunes. “At TouchTunes, we don’t just pursue better workplace culture, we strive for excellence in every facet of the office experience,” says Honey. When it comes to bringing employees together and fostering connections that lead to increased productivity and reduced turnover, TouchTunes offers a suite of interactive music jukeboxes with custom-curated playlists that meet every need to create a positive culture that hits the right note every time.

Did You Know: A person’s personality is among factors that influence the impact of music on performance, as Harvard Business Review shares in “Can Music Make You More Productive?” (Sept. 13, 2022) 

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