Tempe Chamber Joins National Initiative to Address Inequality of Opportunity

by Ayrianna Drayton

The Tempe Chamber of Commerce announced it is partnering with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on a national initiative to address inequality of opportunity.

The Tempe Chamber participated in the U.S. Chamber’s national town hall event on June 25th, where business and community leaders from across the country discussed concrete actions that can be taken by government and the private sector to address inequality through education, employment, entrepreneurship and criminal justice reform. As a partner on this important initiative, the Tempe Chamber will host local and industry dialogues to further the discussion.

“During this pivotal moment in our history, it is imperative that we bring community and business stakeholders together to collectively share perspectives and identify collaborative ways to bring about systemic change,” said Anne Gill, president and CEO of the Tempe Chamber of Commerce. “As Tempe business leaders, we have an opportunity to offer support and help remove barriers, so that we can generate equality in education, employment, entrepreneurship and criminal justice.” 

“The moral case for greater diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace is indisputable, and there’s overwhelming evidence that greater diversity benefits the American economy, businesses, communities and employees,” said U.S. Chamber President Suzanne Clark. “We are proud to partner with Tempe Chamber on this initiative and help develop a robust plan of action.” 

The work of this national initiative will build on the work already undertaken by Tempe Chamber to support equality initiatives in education and workforce development, public policy and business development. 

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