Tempe.Pledge.Green is growing! - Greater Phoenix In Business Magazine

Tempe.Pledge.Green is growing!

by Ariyanna Norman

The Tempe Sustainability Pledge is a Tempe Chamber program where businesses commit to reducing their environmental footprint. In the last six months, the program has grown by 30 percent with new pledge takers and social media activity.

Recent Tempe.Pledge.Green companies include SunTrac, TCH, The Deneau Law Firm, MAC6, Junior Achievement of Arizona and Pixel Photography. Taking the pledge at Tempe.Pledge.Green is free and companies who sign up get a social media push with their logo and a link to their pledge page. 

In addition to gathering pledges, the Tempe.Pledge.Green website also serves as a resources for businesses that want to go green. There are detailed tips regarding the best practices for conserving energy and water, as well reducing waste, spending and carbon footprint. 

Take a look at the Success Stories section of the site to see exactly how businesses have been able to implement sustainable practices. Pledge-participant Special Moments Catering posted a video explaining how hydroponics provides organic and sustainable ingredients. This spring, Special Moments Catering received the Sustainable Business Award from the City of Tempe.

Sukki Jahnke, Director of Marketing and Programs, has worked closely with the program’s partners like the City of Tempe Sustainability Commission, ASU, APS, SRP, MAC6, Southwest Airlines and Waste Management to provide content to the Tempe Business Community about best practices, programs and success stories both locally and nationally. 

To get involved with the Tempe Chamber’s Pledge community, join the Facebook Group TempePledgeGreen, which is open to the public through the Tempe Chamber Facebook page. You can also view updates on Twitter following @TempePledge.