“Despite technological advances, rehab therapy practices of all sizes still struggle to conduct reliable internal audits, manage adequate reviews, optimize coding and capture revenue opportunities,” said Andrea Facini, president of go-to-market at WebPT. “By pairing up with PredictionHealth, all this will change for our members. Those who sign up can save their staff hours of auditing work every month, get access to personalized, automated feedback, get more comprehensive auditing and insight into compliance risks, and see up to a 5-10X ROI thanks to reimbursements and greater efficiency. This is the missing piece of the puzzle for modern practices that want to spend less time navigating compliance and more time on patient care.”
Practice Intelligence, the analytics solution that powers WebPT’s PXM Platform, provides the data required to enable modern practice decision making. WebPT is seamlessly integrating Practice Intelligence with PredictionHealth’s AI platform to enable actionable insights that improve compliance and practice reimbursements. PredictionHealth’s AI platform, whose model has been trained on hundreds of thousands of real therapy notes that have been tagged by physical therapists and compliance experts, scanning 100% of a practice’s notes, including structured and unstructured data (free-text). The technology can even recognize areas that are outside of the norm like over- or under-documenting, misusing CPT codes, suboptimal minute allocation, and more. This provides unprecedented visibility into a practice’s health while reducing compliance risks. With intuitive dashboards and automated insights, PredictionHealth identifies coding optimizations and opportunities for improvement, ensuring practices capitalize on every revenue opportunity.
“For clinic directors, this is an enormous value,” said Mike Fox, PT, SCS, chief clinical officer at Motion PT. “Through entirely automated assessments, practices can get a pulse on critical KPIs for each of the therapists they manage. With the exhaustive library of analytics, they have everything they need to effectively run their clinic.”
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