Strategic Partnership Brings Solutions to the Financial Services and Collections Industries

Abstrakt Corp, a real-time call guidance and automated QA software, announced that the company now integrates with the leading cloud contact center software provider, Intelligent Contacts. This collaboration aims to bring transformative solutions to the financial services and collections industries, enhancing efficiency, compliance, and the overall customer experience.

“Our partnership with Abstrakt pairs our award-winning contact center platform with one of the more impressive and forward-thinking AI startups in the industry,” said Jeff Mains, CEO of Intelligent Contacts. “In our sector, technology and innovation moves incredibly fast, and Greg and the team at Abstrakt have shown they have the skills, leadership, and organizational structure to keep up with where we feel the market is headed. ”

The partnership between Abstrakt and Intelligent Contacts addresses several critical challenges faced by the financial services and collections industry:

1. Compliance and Quality Assurance: Abstrakt’s platform automatically reviews 100% of calls to ensure they fall within the company’s set compliance standards. Supervisors will know exactly which calls to listen to, saving time and resources. All Intelligent Contacts customers will be able to enhance their operations by using Abstrakt.

2. Operational Efficiency: The automated processes and intelligent call routing provided by Intelligent Contacts, complemented by Abstrakt’s real-time guidance, reduce call handling times and operational costs.

3. Data-Driven Insights: Together, Abstrakt and Intelligent Contacts offer powerful post-call analysis that provides deep insights into call center operations. Abstrakt utilizes call outcomes from Intelligent Contacts to identify trends, optimize performance, and make informed decisions that drive growth and success.

“We are excited to partner with Intelligent Contacts to bring a new level of innovation to the financial services and collections industries,” said Greg Reffner, Founder & CEO of Abstrakt. “Our platform is designed to eliminate subjectivity, automate QA, and guide agents in real-time. By integrating with Intelligent Contacts, we are providing a comprehensive platform that meets the unique needs of these industries.”

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