In Into the Metaverse, Cathy Hackl, a globally recognized futurist and one of the world’s first chief metaverse officers, shares her insights on what companies need to do to harness the next iteration of the internet: the metaverse. If the internet was first used to connect us to information and then developed into a social media forum to connect people, then Web3 — which connects people, places and things — will help enable the successor state to today’s mobile internet, the Metaverse. In the same way that social media upended our lives and our businesses, the Metaverse will shake things up even more. Into the Metaverse is the essential business guide to understanding the ground-breaking technologies that enable this monumental shift and the opportunities it presents from a business and societal perspective.
Into the Metaverse: The Essential Guide to the Business Opportunities of the Web3 Era
Cathy Hackl
Bloomsbury Business
Available 1/17/2023
224 pages