Eric Miller, PADT

from Eric Miller

Technology is so much a part of our lives that we take most of it for granted. We notice it only when there’s a quantum leap in innovation that disrupts our standard way of doing things, our processes at work and our habits at home. 

Arizona’s technology ecosystem, like that in many other states across the nation, is thriving due to the critical role it’s played in our recovery from the pandemic. In the wake of lockdowns and the worldwide move to a virtual workspace, businesses in every industry turned to a variety of technologies to remain productive and connected. The question now becomes, how do these organizations take advantage of this digital transformation? And, how is technology changing the way an organization engages with customers and employees in this new reality?

The cover story in this November edition of In Business Magazine asks if every business is a technology business — and supports its answer with input from business development professionals, contributors like me who try to help businesses apply technological advances, and businesses outside the usual parameters of the “technology sector.” It’s a great reminder of the growth potential technology affords not only to our overall economy but to individual businesses.

Disruption is the issue underlying the feature “It’s Not IF; It’s WHEN.” Doctors Marc Goulston and Diana Hendel discuss the human impact of crises, the critical difference between stress and trauma, and what employers can do to prepare for the next global crisis.

Another ongoing concern for employers is retirement planning. As the Economy feature, Jacob Guttman offers tips on how employers can maximize their retirement plans for both the employees and themselves.

Coming in as a regular guest columnist, Don Henninger taps into his deep knowledge of our business community to share his perspective in an ongoing Metro feature. This month, he explores the issue of adequate housing for our exploding population and varied workforce.

This November edition has the usual range of business-relevant content, from healthcare and technology to new startups expanding our business community, a subject I have a lot of passion around. There is also a special section that showcases some of the Valley’s top bankers and their financial institutions.

It’s exciting to help bring you this November edition of In Business Magazine, and I hope you enjoy reading it.


Eric Miller
Principal and Co-Owner
Phoenix Analysis & Design Technologies (PADT

As an industry veteran of 34 years, Eric Miller, has perfected a diverse set of skills that he implements as co-founder and principal of Tempe-based PADT. His role encompasses oversight of simulation and product development consulting, IT, marketing, operations, human resources and administration. Miller is not only a successful businessman and engineer, but also a mentor to startups and small businesses. He often speaks on the use of simulation to drive product development, as well as the effective application of 3D printing. 

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