Your Grass is Greener: Use What You Have. Get What You Want. At Work and In Life.

by Mike Hunter


When people enjoy their work, they’re more successful and any joy they feel on the job spills over into the rest of their life as well. For readers who are frustrated at work or simply looking for better ways to do a job they enjoy, Your Grass Is Greener offers an actionable guide to improve the work they already do, using skills they already have. Each chapter reframes a common workplace challenge and provides a tangible tactic that can be put to work right away. Your Grass Is Greener is not about how to redefine one’s cosmic purpose or find a mythical new job one is somehow supposed to enjoy for the rest of one’s career. Instead, it helps readers transform their underlying approach to work so any job they do instantly gets better.

Your Grass is Greener: Use What You Have. Get What You Want. At Work and In Life.
Jason Silver
Ideapress Publishing
Available 8/30/2024
250 pages

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