Wellness: Remote and Virtual

by Mike Hunter

As the current environment has made the importance of workplace wellness programs more paramount than ever, global wellness brand ZEEL offers its comprehensive suite of services – from yoga to massage – virtually. Through its ZEEL@Work platform, ZEEL offers these services virtually and live, all with newly enhanced health and safety protocols through its newly introduced ZEEL Shield, a program of health, safety, and hygiene guidelines for providers and clients, as well as rigorous analysis of the constantly developing research and data around COVID-19 and its ramifications.

It was important to ZEEL husband-and-wife co-founders Samer Hamadeh and Alison Harmelin that each of ZEEL’s network of 11,000-plus therapists is fully prepared to work in conjunction with health and safety guidelines on COVID-19, as well as to offer services virtually – and globally to remote workforces. Says Harmelin, “Now we have green screens, headsets, and lighting kits. The classes are streamlined.” Observing that many employees are struggling after all these months at WFH desks, in WFH chairs and just missing the regular amount of movement that came with getting out and about, getting to the gym –  getting anywhere, for that matter, Harmelin says, “Even under the best circumstances, none of us are moving nearly as much as we should be.”  

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