Small business owners and entrepreneurs looking to advance their brands, enhance their online presence and further their business acumen have the opportunity of a lifetime as Better Business Bureau Serving Pacific Southwest and GoDaddy Inc. accept applications for their 2022 Empower by GoDaddy and BBB Main St. Accelerator Program. The hybrid in-person/virtual program is open to those operating in Greater Arizona and Southern California, and provides selectees educational classes, networking, mentoring and GoDaddy products to help their businesses grow.
Participants will learn and work alongside leaders from GoDaddy, Better Business Bureau, Desert Financial Credit Union, Snell and Wilmer, Lifeguides and other industry leaders. Topics covered will include creating a standout virtual brand, website and e-commerce presence, leveraging ethical values, legal and financial auditing, marketing strategies and social and emotional support for entrepreneurs.
The business development program is seeking established business owners looking to increase revenue, improve online presence and grow ethically. Unlike tech-focused business accelerators, the goal of this program is to serve everyday entrepreneurs who comprise much of our small business economy. As a nonprofit trade organization, BBB is ensuring the tools offered through this program meet the needs of tradespeople and mom-and-pop stores.
“The Empower Program was a life-changing experience and came into my life at the perfect time,” said Lauren Albrecht, owner of Hey Ms Lauren Creative Agency in Lake Havasu City, AZ and Empower graduate. “Throughout the program, I got connected to resources that inspired me to invest time in building my own brand identity while gaining the confidence to expand my reach and help other entrepreneurs.”
Applications are being accepted at until April 8 and the cohort session of 50 businesses will run for two months. Accepted participants will receive a full scholarship that covers the cost of programming (valued over $3,000) and will be responsible for a one-time materials fee of $99 to BBB before the start of the program.
“BBB is dedicated to helping build better businesses with ethics at the forefront. Our priority is to ensure that business acceleration and education are widely available to all entrepreneurs, which is why we have built this inclusive program with our partners at GoDaddy,” said Vice President of Innovation and Entrepreneur Programs at BBB, Kimberly Roland.