During phase two, some of the construction that crews with the I-10 Broadway Curve Improvement Project completed consisted of:
- Beginning of construction of the new Collector Distributor (CD) roads
- Removal of the former 48th Street and Broadway Road bridges and completed construction of the new ones
- Reconstruction of 40th Street ramps
- Construction of the US 60 to I-10 bridge
- Construction of the Alameda Drive and Western Canal pedestrian bridges
- Construction of new walls
- Coordination of utility relocations
Phase three of the project is estimated to last through late Summer 2024. During phase three crews will work on the following:
- Completing the CD roads
- Completing the new SR 143 and I-10 direct connections
- Completing bridge work
- Reconstructing the 32nd street ramps
- Making roadway improvements
- Drainage and signage work
- Widening roadway and bridges
To view images of the ongoing construction progress of the I-10 Broadway Curve Improvement Project, visit the Flickr album here.
The I-10 Broadway Curve Improvement Project is identified in the Maricopa Association of Governments’ Regional Transportation Plan, funded by a half-cent sales tax approved by Maricopa County voters in 2004 through Proposition 400. MAG identified the need for this project to reduce travel times on I-10 during peak hours; improve airport access; support ridesharing and transit; and prepare the region for future growth projections. Learn more about the major improvements here.