Coach Burt shows how humans have this instinctive drive for pursuing goals with a persistence and intensity that goes far beyond the usual efforts applied to everyday tasks. As with war dogs, external stimuli are required for flipping the switch. For the dogs, it’s movement or scent. What are they for individuals? In these inspiring and eye-opening pages, readers will discover how to find what activates them, personally, to do more, create more and achieve freakish levels of success by analyzing and exploring the primary drivers: fear, competition, exposure, environment, inspiration from others and, yes, even embarrassment. Whether flipping the switch to win a championship or win new business, knowing how to find external stimuli that activate that thing inside each of us is what will allow us to achieve our highest goals — naturally.
Flip the Switch: Activate Your Drive to Achieve a Freakish Level of Success
Coach Micheal Burt
McGraw Hill
Available 1/31/2023
272 pages