Face Masks: Do You Nose How to Wear Them?

by RaeAnne Marsh

Face masks are the must-have fashion accessory of our time. They make a statement as to the wearer’s favorite sports team, social awareness, or simply patterns and color.

But their main purpose is to protect us from airborne droplets that we expel when we breathe or talk that might contain disease molecules — notably, COVID-19.

There are varying degrees of effectiveness, with bandanas and gaiter-style right at the bottom, and the CDC offers guidance on this on its website (www.cdc.gov: “How to Select, Wear, and Clean Your Mask”).

But if they are not worn properly, they don’t work at all.

This writer has been in several retail establishments, which I will not identify but neither will I risk patronizing again, where management apparently dictates that employees wear masks — but has not educated them on how to wear them.

It’s important to remember that the droplets are expelled when we breathe or talk. Therefore, masks must cover nose as well as mouth. Employers would do their employees and customers better service by addressing a training to this.

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