1 in 3 Remote Workers Have Engaged in Romantic Relationships, Says Survey


ResumeBuilder.com, the premier resource for professional resume templates and career advice, has published a recent survey report that explores the prevalence of romantic relationships between remote coworkers. The study also highlights the pervasiveness of sexual harassment, even in a remote work environment. Overall, the survey generated responses from 1,250 Americans who have worked remotely for at least six months in the past three years.

According to survey findings, 33 percent of respondents say they started a romantic relationship with someone they met remotely. Among this group, 23 percent admit to having a romantic relationship with a coworker, 12 percent with a client, 9 percent with a supplier, and 7 percent with an investor.

Survey results also reveal that men are more likely to start romantic relationships at work than women. Likewise, those who hold leadership positions are more likely to start romantic relationships at work than more junior employees. Among respondents who say they had a romantic relationship in the office, 7 in 10 say they did not disclose their relationship to their company’s human resources department. Of those who chose not to disclose their relationships, 50 percent say they did not feel they had to, 42 percent say they feared termination, and 33 percent say they did not want to.

While many say they engaged in office romantic relationships, others experienced sexual harassment. In a remote work environment, 17 percent say they have personally experienced sexual harassment, and women were twice as likely to say they’ve experienced sexual harassment (22 percent vs. 11 percent). Among this group, 50 percent say they were harassed by a coworker, 25 percent say a client, 8 percent say a supplier, and 7 percent say an investor. Only 55 percent of victims say they reported these incidents of sexual harassment to their company’s human resources department. Additionally, 49 percent say they left a remote position due to sexual harassment.

All data found within this report derives from a survey commissioned by ResumeBuilder.com and conducted online by survey platform Pollfish on February 2, 2023. Overall, 1,250 Americans who have worked remotely for at least six months in the past three years were surveyed.

View the complete report here.

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