The Magnetic Leader

by Mike Hunter

Global crises produced by countless causes have cried out for our attention. Nations and politicians continually blame or attack each other. Corruption is rampant in public and private sectors. Disengagement levels remain unacceptably high in the workplace. People are weary and skeptical. It’s challenging to find a place where people value one another. Leaders are burning out. Leaders who initiate and prioritize actions to address this help their families, teams, organizations, communities, nations and world to become better! They become living examples worth following. They attract others to their mission who are highly committed to quality in their work, loyalty in their relationships, and engagement in their unique contributions. In a word, they become magnetic! The Magnetic Leader presents character-reflecting Essential Actions to implement immediately and pursue indefinitely.

The Magnetic Leader: 18 Essential Actions of Leaders People Love to Follow
Chris McClure
Author Academy Elite
Available 4/30/2021
204 pages

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