Morgan James Publishing‘s new release, international bestseller Light a Fire in Their Hearts: The Truth About Leadership, by Lisa Anna Palmer, engages aspiring leaders, managers, and executives with research driven principles and deeply personal lessons.
Lisa Anna Palmer has written a contemporary leadership book for an era that demands strong and compassionate leadership. A compilation of real-life workplace scenarios and inspiring stories from over 30 leaders, this book combines wisdom and progressive approaches, while citing studies that underline the impact of leadership on people within organizations.
Palmer explains what other leadership development books ignore and offers a realistic view of the transformation required for anyone to become a great people leader. She also presents a unique formula that leaders can use to engage and inspire employees with the 3 C’s of Connection plus the 8 P’s of Ignition.
Light a Fire in Their Hearts has been endorsed by three NY Times bestselling authors. “What a wonderful leadership book with a premise I love–to ignite employees’ passions and inspire them to be and do their best at work, you need to light a fire in their hearts. The world needs more of this right now,” says Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times bestselling author.
Palmer reinforces the need for great people leaders, especially during these difficult times: “As we deal with many workplace challenges and continue to struggle with COVID-19, we need leaders who can carry us through by putting people first, and by helping us to feel safe, cared for, and well equipped to contribute our best amidst the chaos.”
Lisa Anna Palmer is the Founder & CEO of the Cattelan Palmer Light Your Leadership Institute (LYLI). Lisa coaches and trains leaders while drawing on over twenty-five years of experience in senior HR & Organizational Development roles. She is featured in The Top 100 Magazine in 2020, and has been a guest on TV, radio and podcasts internationally. She currently resides in Ontario, Canada, with her husband Andrew, son Jake, and their canine companion Shadow. Lisa’s fundamental belief is that together, we can make the world a better workplace.
The papercopy of Light a Fire in Their Hearts: The Truth About Leadership by Lisa Anna Palmer, will be released by Morgan James Publishing on August 11, 2020. Light a Fire in Their Hearts—ISBN 9781642798272—has 322 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $19.95.
Morgan James publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, or entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold.