How to Build Business Relationships Remotely

By Rick Elmore, Founder & CEO of Simply Noted

As many of us continue to work remotely and practice social distancing, we have lost the personal connection that comes with face-to-face interactions and meetings. This has created a difficult situation for many business owners and representatives who strive to build and maintain relationships in their industry to keep their businesses going. Many people are turning to online like email and LinkedIn to replace these efforts, but outreach through these platforms can seem cold and impersonal.

One way to stand out from the competition and add personal connection to your communications and customer service outreach is with handwritten letters. Many adults have returned to handwritten letters during the pandemic to keep in touch with friends and loved ones, and the same practice can be applied to business.

Here are some of the reasons why handwritten letters can help you build relationships remotely during the pandemic:

  1. Mailed Letters Get Opened – Compared to email marketing’s average open rate of 22.7%, handwritten letters enjoy a 99% open rate. So you can safely assume that the letter’s recipient will open a handwritten letter that’s been delivered to them.
  2. Handwritten Letters are Rare – According to the U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission, the average American received only 10 pieces of personal mail for the year in 2017. Handwritten mail stands out.
  3. Handwritten Letters Stand Out – Customers recognize that email is extremely economical and simple to generate. Likewise, mass-printed direct mail pieces need only be designed once and then they can be printed by the thousands. Compared to the “junk” mail an average person receives, a handwritten note stands out and gets noticed.
  4. Cards and Letters are Often Kept – People keep handwritten letters because they are not just a letter. They are a gift. The longer that note sits atop your customer’s desk, the more likely they are to remember you and think positively of you.
  5. Handwritten Notes are Inherently Personal – Emails are impersonal. Texts have about as much value as the time it takes to generate them. Handwritten letters, on the other hand, show you care. If you are trying to build a positive relationship, there’s no substitute for the power of the pen.

Whether you are doing outreach to a brand-new business prospect or sending a thank you note to a longtime customer, a handwritten note can make all the difference. Especially as we continue to navigate the business and social implications of the coronavirus pandemic, the extra personal touch of a handwritten letter can go a long way.

Rick Elmore is the Founder and CEO of Simply Noted, an automated handwritten letter company founded on the idea of making it easy to create simple, scalable, powerful, and meaningful real penwritten communication. Simply Noted is an automated handwritten letter company founded on the idea of making it easy to create simple, scalable, powerful, and meaningful real penwritten communication. Simply Noted combines technology with a personal touch, putting real pen and ink to paper to create beautifully crafted products for every occasion.

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