More than two-thirds of employees (69%) are in meetings for more than an hour a week, according to a new survey from The Manifest, a B2B news and how-to website.
With meetings being held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are finding that their employees have different feelings toward regular business meetings.
Specifically, with everchanging schedules and responsibilities, workers are busier than ever. Businesses need to show that they respect their employees and their time.
Ninety percent (90%) of employees say that a typical work meeting take one hour or less.
“Meetings take time out of busy schedules,” says Nick Farnborough, co-founder of Clavis Social. “They should only last as long as they need to.”
Structured agendas can help keep people accountable.
Progress Check & Brainstorming Meetings are the Most Common
Before any meeting, employees and managers should figure out the true purpose of the meeting and the results that they are targeting.
Often, meetings are geared towards checking in or exchanging ideas.
More than half of employees attend progress check meetings (53%) or brainstorming sessions (51%).
If an employee has a meeting-heavy day, their workload can be impacted. Ensuring that all employees have time for their core responsibilities and tasks helps to keep the company operating smoothly.
Building Skills and Problem-Solving Can Be Keys to Effective Meetings
If a meeting is unproductive, no one benefits or succeeds. Factors that determine whether employees consider a meeting effective is if it helps problem-solve or build skills.
For example, more than half of managers (61%) think business meetings help solve problems.
In addition, nearly half (47%) of human resources (HR) professionals learn skills at business meetings.
Only 23% of individual contributors, however, think that meetings help them build skills.
Companies need to train their managers and leaders to run them effectively and benefit all employees.
Coming prepared with an agenda and visuals, designating a notetaker, and asking for feedback are just some of the ways that managers can make their meetings more engaging and impactful. Laurie Wilkins, founder of Call Outdoors, says, “without an agenda, a meeting is useless.” Companies should gear their meetings for their employees to help them gain the most out of a challenging business environment.
Read the full report here:
The Manifest is a business news and how-to website that compiles and analyzes practical business wisdom for innovators, entrepreneurs, and small and mid-market businesses. Use The Manifest as an approachable tour guide through every stage of the buyer journey. With three main offerings – data-driven benchmarks, step-by-step guides, and agency shortlists – The Manifest strives to make your business goals a reality.
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