In Business Magazine Announces Local Leaders in ‘Buy Local’ Movement

In Business Magazine July 1, 2013

In Business Magazine has developed a special section that recognizes local business owners and companies for their commitment to the “buy local” campaign. The section will be included in the August 2013 issue of In Business Magazine. Those recognized will be honored with a special plaque and recognition insignia and will be profiled in the section In Business Magazine is producing in collaboration with Local Fi

The “buy local” movement has surged in the last several years chiefly through the efforts of Local First Arizona, a nonprofit organization working to strengthen communities and local economies through supporting, maintaining and celebrating locally owned businesses throughout the state of Arizona. Its programs and membership has set the tone for businesses large and small to understand the significance of working with locally owned businesses.

“We’ve seen success in two distinct areas,” says Kimber Lanning of Local First Arizona. “First, there is the whole conversation around measuring the true cost and impact of a contract. Spending with a locally owned company means that money can recirculate in the local economy three times over, and that’s particularly powerful for large companies who are trying to bolster Arizona’s economy. Second, we are understanding as a community that we can’t just talk about becoming a great state for entrepreneurs with a strong and diverse economy unless we actually choose to buy products and services from local entrepreneurs.”

The special section will profile those chosen as the “Local Leaders.” Candidates for this distinction must have demonstrated leadership in the movement through contribution of time, money and ideas to show their dedication to this effort. “We are recognizing those who have vested time and energy to support the power of buying locally to bolster our economy,” said Rick McCartney, publisher of In Business Magazine. “These people are doing so much to empower local businesspeople and support many of the local small businesses.” Those supporting “buy local” efforts may also advertise in the special section, which will be a part of the August 2013 issue of In Business Magazine and available online annually.

In Business Magazine reaches one of the largest demographics of business owners and managers in the Valley.  Each monthly issue is direct-mailed to subscribers and members of its partner organizations as well as additional associate organizations and is available online. The publication is sold on newsstands Valley-wide and in select Arizona markets. Greater Phoenix In Business Magazine is published monthly by InMedia Company. InMedia has been publishing in the Valley since 2004.

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