WEBINAR – May 18: New Normals in the World of Work?

Arizona Association For Economic Development

Noted Labor Market Analyst Trevor Stokes will take a look at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the job market through the lens of current job postings. This approach is uniquely informative, providing perspective on industries, jobs and skills that seem to be weathering the crisis well and the short-term impacts of the crisis on specific sectors. Economic development organizations have never faced a more pressing need to develop informed, data-driven strategies, and this perspective will be valuable to those who are setting our state’s direction and establishing new normals in the world of work.

9:00 am                Welcome Carrie Kelly, Executive Director, AAED

9:05 am                Introduction of Speaker Joel Millman, Director, Workforce Development, Pinal County Economic Development and Workforce Development Department

9:10 am                Trevor Stokes, Stokes Consulting

9:40 am                Q&A

9:55 am                Closing Comments