Robson Resort Communities, LLC is pleased to announce that it has been recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency with a 2014 ENERGY STAR Leadership in Housing Award. This award recognizes the important contribution Robson Resort Communities has made to energy-efficient construction and environmental protection bybuilding more than 289 ENERGY STAR-qualified homes in 2013. Collectively, these homes will save our customers over $86,700 on utility bills each year.
The environmental benefits of these ENERGY STAR qualified homes are equal to the equivalent of:
Eliminating the emissions from 103 vehicles; saving 524,535 lbs of coal; planting 272 acres of trees; or the greenhouse gases saved by planting and growing 12,427 coniferous trees, such as pine or spruce, for 10 years.
To earn the ENERGY STAR, a home must meet strict guidelines for energy efficiency set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These homes are at least 30 percent more efficient than standard new homes built today.
Last year alone, with the help of ENERGY STAR and partners, Americans saved about $558 billion on their utility bills and avoided greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those of 33 million vehicles. Nearly 1.5 million ENERGY STAR homes have been built in the United States since the program first began labeling homes in 1995.
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