Make Money from the Beach

by Brian Choe

For service-provider entrepreneurs, fifty-three percent of appointments are made outside of traditional business hours. Armed with this insight, business owners have two choices: Work around the clock to meet clients’ needs or get smart about it. There are solutions that allow a business owner to grow his business and still have a life.

Leverage the Business’s Social Media Presence

What better place than the beach to create content? While away on vacation, business owners can take the opportunity to breathe some new life into their business’s Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account. Whether a hairstylist, personal trainer or accountant, the entrepreneur can take advantage of free time to post some interesting content. Staying current and engaging takes only a few minutes and can be done while soaking up the sun.

Stay Connected Even When Away

Using a tool like MailChimp or Constant Contact allows the business owner to schedule touch points with clients, whether it be a note or even a promo code, to stay top of mind and have business ready when he gets back from the break. Who says a person can’t be productive while OOO?

Use Appointment-Scheduling Software

Those who are service providers with clients should definitely be using online appointment-scheduling software. The fact of the matter is, we need to be where are clients are — and that’s online. The software enables an entrepreneur to stay actively engaged with clients and booking appointments even from the beach, letting the business stay on autopilot while the business pipeline grows.

Brian Choe is the founder and CEO of Visibook, advanced appointment-scheduling software available for app and desktop designed for businesses and professionals to manage client appointments. 

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