Join Economic Development Week, May 4-9

Arizona Association For Economic Development

About Economic Development Week

Economic Development Week was created by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) in 2016 to increase awareness of local programs that create jobs, advance career development opportunities, and improve the quality

of life in communities everywhere. Over the span of four years, more than 450 campaigns have been created throughout the United States and Canada, creating millions of impressions, hundreds of news stories, blog entries, videos, events and other activities. Campaigns occurred in all 50 American states in 2019, with more than 60 communities officially proclaiming Economic Development Week.

About IEDC

The International Economic Development Council is a non-profit, non-partisan membership organization serving economic developers. With more than 5,000 members, IEDC is the largest organization of its kind. When we succeed, our members create high-quality jobs, develop vibrant communities, and improve the quality of life in their regions. IEDC’s programs offer world-class professional development, accreditation, research and advocacy.

Visit the IEDC Economic Development Week website here!

AAED’s Economic Development Week

Our theme this year is Resilient Arizona Communities.

Over the course of the week, we will be highlighting the ways Arizona communities are staying strong during the COVID-19 pandemic through innovation and collaboration. We will be sharing mini-interviews, webinars, resources, and featuring Arizona communities on our social media channels and website.

Be sure to follow #aaedAZ #resilientAZ #aztogether #EconDevWeek and #EDW2020 to participate in Economic Development Week.

Take a look at the schedule on the following page and mark your calendars!

Monday, May 4, 2020

  • An exclusive mini-interview with one of our members A story of resilience from an Arizona community Featured community in AZ
  • Nightly recap of Social Media engagement

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

  • An exclusive mini-interview with one of our members A story of resilience from an Arizona community Featured community in AZ
  • Webinar — Happy Hour with AAED’s new Executive Director, Carrie Kelly — 5PM Nightly recap of Social Media engagement

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

  • An exclusive mini-interview with one of our members A story of resilience from an Arizona community Featured community in AZ
  • Webinar — Q&A with panel
  • Nightly recap of Social Media engagement

Thursday, May 7, 2020

  • Webinar — Morning “Happy Hour”
  • An exclusive mini-interview with one of our members A story of resilience from an Arizona community Featured community in AZ
  • Nightly recap of Social Media engagement

Friday, May 8, 2020

  • An exclusive mini-interview with one of our members A story of resilience from an Arizona community Featured community in AZ
  • Webinar — Rapid Fire Lunch — noon Nightly recap of Social Media engagement

Saturday, May 9, 2020

  • An exclusive mini-interview with one of our members A story of resilience from an Arizona community Featured community in AZ
  • Nightly recap of Social Media engagement

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