Goodmans Interior Structures – Adam Goodman, President

Rick McCartney


As a Benefit Corporation (B Corp), Goodmans Interior Structures‘ charter mandates them to consider all of their stakeholders and not just the shareholders. We have declared our non-ownership stakeholders to be the community, the environment and our people. Every decision we make is in consideration of the balance between those four stakeholders. While we can’t always create a win-win-win-win, we are always mindful to balance the needs of each.

There are dozens of examples of how this perspective benefits the community at large, our customers, the planet and our people. Most prominently, our AIM to Make a Difference program repurposes our customers’ surplus furniture to local nonprofits, for free. Each year we repurpose millions of dollars of furniture to hundreds of nonprofits.

Adam Goodman, President

Goodmans Interior Structures

Goodmans Interior Structures is a distributor of office furniture and prefabricated interior construction products from Herman Miller, DIRTT and 300 other manufacturers.

How long with company: 27 years (not including summer breaks as a kid)

Sector(s) serving locally: Commercial, P-20 Education, Healthcare, Government


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