Governor Janice Brewer, State of Arizona

from Janice K. Brewer

GuestEd_Governor_JanBrewerSince the statewide economic slide of the recent recession, Arizona economic development agencies and business leaders have focused on diversifying the state’s economy beyond the boom-and-bust industries of tourism and construction. Efforts have ranged from identifying sectors built around the “knowledge worker” whose employment helps drive an economy forward and upward to trying to strengthen the state’s position in national defense projects. Together, our efforts over these past five years have set Arizona on a responsible, viable and prosperous course.

At the state government level, we remain focused on identifying and growing opportunities for business, knowing that it is critical to Arizona’s long-term economic success. While government itself does not grow a business, it can serve to create an economic and regulatory environment that allows the private sector to thrive and do what it does best: create jobs. As governor, I have sought to do that by keeping taxes low and regulations lean. Moreover, in today’s modern economy, we can no longer be content competing for business on the local level. That is why, in addition to working with our state legislature and the Arizona Commerce Authority to build a strong business climate in our state, I have also engaged businesses internationally to promote Arizona. Whether it is our pro-business policies or unmatched tourism opportunities, companies are increasingly eager to experience all that Arizona has to offer. That potential growth opportunity will be key to Arizona’s long-term success story, and I intend to continue a proactive approach in attracting businesses to locate and grow in our great state.

In this issue’s cover story “Are We Winning? A Look at Arizona’s Key Sectors and How We Compete,” writer Pat Kossan presents a sober look at challenges Arizona faces in jobs, investment and the state’s global brand. She explores the status of key sectors, such as the emerging one of bioscience and traditional mainstay of aerospace and defense. Leaders in the respective fields discuss with her the factors impinging on growth in those industries.

Spanning service and healthcare arenas, fitness clubs have been proliferating in the Valley of the Sun, and Don Rodriguez’s “Sector” feature looks at the options in these facilities that offer a fit for a variety of goals. In her “Leadership” article, Tasha Eurich, Ph.D., addresses the need for effective leadership to deliver on the company’s bottom line as well as workplace morale. The “Commerce” feature examines cross-border opportunities with Mexico and Canada for Valley businesses. And, debuting “Legal” as a regular department, this issue discusses intellectual property issues of concern to businesses.

In Business Magazine offers business owners and executives timely and informative articles on a broad range of topics. I hope you enjoy this January issue.


Janice K. Brewer
The State of Arizona

Governor Jan Brewer has served the people of Arizona for nearly three decades. Her path of public service has taken her from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to the Arizona Legislature, the Secretary of State’s office and, ultimately, the Governorship. Through it all, she has been guided by a personal motto to do the right things, make the tough decisions and leave her place in life a little better than she found it. Governor Brewer’s term expires in early 2015.

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