Community Responsibility

by Rick McCartney

Giving back is here to stay, but companies that incorporate giving and social responsibility with their mission and way of doing business are seeing a ripple effect that exponentially improves the community around them, employee morale and, in many cases, profitability. The words “corporate social responsibility” are more than buzz words for doing great. There are actual enrichment programs, mentoring systems and innovations that are empowering business owners to see the benefits of impacting the community around them.

We want to thank Brian Mueller, a true pioneer in this regard, for his work with us on this “corporate social responsibility” issue. He is certainly leading by example with Grand Canyon University’s successful program and initiatives in this realm. They are impressive and just one organization’s examples of impact. Companies of all sizes are seeing the benefits, from giving back through enriching programs to redesigning business methods that improve the quality of community. This is an important issue and we thank all involved who tell their stories of impact and what it means to be socially responsible.

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