Arizona Gives Day Raises over $5 Million for Arizona Nonprofits

Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits

Arizonans showed the depths of their generosity and selflessness by donating nearly $5 million to the state’s nonprofit organizations during Arizona Gives Day 2020 – even at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on the state’s economy and putting hundreds of thousands of people out of work.

Last year, the event raised $3.6 million. Hosted by the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits and Arizona Grantmakers Forum and presented by FirstBank, preliminary results of the 24-hour online fundraising event showed that 32,440 donations totaling more than $5 million were made to 900 organizations. Donors also generated $141,727 for the Emergency Relief Fund, which will be distributed equally among each of the 983 participating nonprofit organizations.

Donations to the relief fund can be made until the end of April.

Additionally, 2,097 volunteers pledged 78,961 hours to the state’s nonprofit community. Based on preliminary numbers, which do not include additional direct donations to nonprofits inspired by Arizona Gives Day but not necessarily provided through the website, Arizona Gives Day has generated more than $22 million for Arizona nonprofits over the past eight years.

Complete results for Arizona Gives Day 2020 will be announced soon along with the 104 organizations winning a portion of the $193,500 prize pool.

“We kept watching the numbers come in all night and the pace never slowed,” said Kristen Merrifield, CEO of the Alliance of Arizona Nonprofits. “We are deeply, deeply grateful to the people of Arizona for their incredible generosity when so many are facing significant financial and health challenges because of this pandemic. There’s an amazingly strong message there about our state.”

Donations to the 983 nonprofit organizations can be made all year through the Arizona Gives Day website at The website also allows individuals to search and find the charity that touches them the most.


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