$600,000 for Arizona Small Business to Help Support and Navigate Assistance

State of Arizona Office of the Governor

Governor Doug Ducey announced $600,000 to fund the launch of Arizona Small Business Association’s (ASBA) Live Local program, providing training for small businesses that will help them navigate the assistance and resources available during #COVID19, expanding mentoring and internship programs, and more.

“We want small businesses to have the support and guidance they need during COVID-19,” said Governor Ducey. “The Live Local program will help small businesses facing economic hardship, as well as the employees and families that rely on them. My thanks to the Arizona Small Business Association for its continued support to Arizona’s businesses and communities.”

“The Arizona Small Business Association is dedicated to helping small businesses in need of guidance during this pandemic,” said ASBA CEO Jess Roman. “Our Live Local program will help businesses build their networks, get back on their feet and thrive. Thank you to Governor Ducey for your work to support small and family owned businesses.”

As part of the Live Local program, the Business Education Foundation—which is run by ASBA—will research the impact of small businesses to understand best practices, growth trends and policy analyses. Additionally, the program includes personalized training courses for small businesses that help them run operations smoothly, strengthen financial stability, increase networks, attract and retain customers, and more. Live Local will also help businesses better utilize opportunities and offer internship programs, providing guidance in the areas of strategy, finance and marketing.

These dollars come from the Crisis Contingency and Safety Net Fund, which was established in March by Arizona’s bipartisan state budget agreement.

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