Escape Spine Surgery was designed for patients who are trying to avoid maximally invasive open surgeries to alleviate their spine pain. We believe in looking at the patient as a holistic whole and understand that their spine pain doesn’t exist in a vacuum.
A patient who presents with serious spine issues usually has a combination of health problems that include systemic inflammation, gut dysbiosis — oftentimes from overuse of anti-inflammatory medication — and a poor diet as well as a weak core due to pain and inactivity.
As such, we don’t just want to treat the symptom of that perfect storm, the back pain itself; we want to address all those factors to ensure both elimination of back pain as well as tackling the root cause, thus leaving the patient in overall better health.
Escape Spine Surgery’s holistic approach gives the patient a very personalized plan encompassing a diet tailored to restoring gut health and lowering inflammation and exercises to naturally stabilize the spine and strengthen the core. Regenerative medical therapies focus on harnessing the power of our own body to heal. We prefer to use both Plasma Rich Platelet (PRP) injections and Bone Marrow Aspirate (B-Mac) in lieu of corticosteroid injections. Furthermore, if a patient has tissue that still needs removing (disc or bone) we use an ultra-minimally invasive endoscopic approach, so we don’t leave collateral damage or have to put metal in the spine.
James Adkins, D.C., is a pioneer in multidisciplinary spine care, CEO of the nationally acclaimed Arizona Pain Treatment Centers and founder of Escape Spine Surgery, which recently opened its state-of-the-art facility in Mesa.