When an employee is going through a medical event, the last thing on their mind should be anxiety about how to interpret their health insurance benefits or medical bills. Yet for many, medical benefits and billing statements are difficult to understand. In fact, most people with health care debt say they believe their medical bill had an error (e.g. a charge for something that should have been covered by their health insurance, or a bill for something they already paid).
Complications like these can have serious consequences for employees’ physical and financial health if they delay care or bills are sent to collections. Fortunately, Arizona-based health insurer Banner|Aetna recently launched a “frictionless billing” program to address common billing pain points. As a joint venture between an insurer and a leading hospital system, Banner|Aetna is in a unique position to develop solutions that make the healthcare experience better for plan members.
Frictionless billing gives individuals a clearer picture of their insurance coverage and care costs from most Banner Health providers in a single, consolidated statement. Members also receive automated status updates as their claim processes, keeping them informed along the way. Plus, if questions arise, Banner|Aetna’s dedicated team of customer service agents are available to assist members with questions about provider bills or their coverage, eliminating the need for back-and-forth calls to insurers and care providers.
This program offers a streamlined payment experience and reduces confusion so employees can focus on their health, and is one of Banner|Aetna’s innovative employee benefits by which employers can gain a competitive edge in a challenging labor market.
Joanne Mizell is chief operating officer of Banner|Aetna.
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