Online Dealty, Inc. Benefits Homebuyers, Sellers and Agents

by RaeAnne Marsh

Designed to benefit sellers, buyers, iBuyers and home builders as well as real estate agents, Dealty is a marketplace application disrupting and reshaping the real estate industry with a transparent open architecture platform posting homes for sale from all sources and providing all the tools and services needed to go from listed to closed. Founded in 2018, Dealty provides virtual tours, an online offer system, electronic contracts and electronic earnest deposits, to Title/Escrow and SOLD!

“Sellers are often frustrated with the limited options they have to sell their homes, feeling obligated to use an agent and give up6% of their home’s sales price, which translates to a lot or all of the equity. And agents were equally as frustrated with third-party sites selling their listing leads to other agents,” explain co-founders Renee Tulliani, CEO, and Gary Stringer, CRO. “Everyone knows 90% of buyers search for homes on their own online. Up until now, everyone in the process has been taken advantage of. Sellers are forced to give up typically 6% to obtain a listing agent who then needs to offer 3% to a buyer’s agent if they want to utilize MLS. There has yet to be a platform that is homeowner driven. We wanted to create an opportunity to put the homeowner in charge. Whether they choose to sell on their own or utilize an agent to list, Dealty provides them with the tools to complete the entire transaction process with confidence.”

Stringer notes the biggest challenge in starting and growing Dealty has been getting real estate agents to understand that it is not a threat. “Unlike other sites that appear to be similar, we are very different. We have made ourselves personally available to explain the difference. We have live support on our site, not just a bot answering generic questions. Our ongoing challenge is earning everyone’s trust. With Zillow selling expensive advertising to agents with little results for the agents, agents are weary of online sites. Buyers list on Zillow to only be bombarded by sales calls and solicitations until they give in to listing with an agent or selling their property to Zillow Offers, Zillow’s in-house ibuying division. It takes time to build a reputation and we will not waver; we will continue to provide all the tools people have long desired.” 

Applying the advice to “Be the solution,” Tulliani and Stringer created Dealty as a marketplace application for the homeowner and buyer, providing them options with full visibility to complete the entire real estate transaction. With no hidden information, no middleman and no unnecessary fees, the real estate owner no longer needs to feel obligated to pay an agent just for access to the “gated content.” Says Tulliani, “Sellers can now choose to hire an agent for what that agent has to offer, rather than just access to MLS and forms. With our full Agent Directory search, buyers and sellers can find which agent is right for them.”

And for real estate agents and homebuilders, Dealty provides direct leads to them. Not the bait and switch they may be accustomed to, Dealty provides a platform where they can sell their listing direct to the buyer with no middleman to intercept their leads.

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