Insurance Co. Launches in Arizona, Addressing Nationwide Insurance Accessibility Challenges for Small Businesses and Hard-to-Place Industries

EverPeak™ Insurance, a leading solution for workers’ compensation insurance, announced its official launch in the state of Arizona. EverPeak specializes in serving small businesses and those in hard-to-place industries that often face challenges in securing timely and accessible workers’ compensation coverage, a trend that has been increasingly prevalent across the United States.

“We recognize the struggle businesses can face in obtaining affordable and accessible insurance, and we’re committed to making a difference,” said Vlad Stojanovic, VP and chief operating officer at EverPeak Insurance. “Our focus on Arizona’s small business community and hard-to-place industries is a direct response to this growing need for accessible coverage.”

EverPeak has already enabled workers’ compensation policies for more than 200 hard-working businesses. A wide range of Arizona businesses are well suited for EverPeak, including those in the janitorial, landscaping, construction, and hospitality sectors. EverPeak’s arrival in Arizona comes at a crucial time, as the state’s economy thrives with small businesses at its core. By providing accessible workers’ compensation insurance, EverPeak helps support the continued success of these businesses, fostering overall economic vitality in the state.

EverPeak is built for small to medium-sized businesses and welcomes established and new ventures.

EverPeak workers’ comp insurance is available exclusively on Attune. With over 400 straight-through class codes, agents can quickly generate quotes and bind policies on the Attune® platform in seconds, all backed by A-rated underwriting companies.

EverPeak’s experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized service and tailored insurance options that cater to each client’s specific needs, ensuring that businesses have the coverage they need to protect their employees and their bottom line.

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