This captivating narrative traces its roots back to 1950 when Gerald Frank, a determined Black man, arrived in Seattle at the tender age of 18. Fleeing the violence of Detroit and the suffocating grip of Jim Crow Laws, Gerald carried nothing but dreams and drumsticks in his heart. His unwavering belief that he could carve out a better life set the stage for an incredible journey. Today, more than 70 years later, the real estate empire forged by Gerald and his wife, Theresa, in Seattle’s Central District continues to flourish under the guidance of the third generation of the Frank family. But theirs was not a journey paved with silver spoons. In Get Up & Get On It!, Dana Frank paints a vivid picture of the hurdles her family faced. Their story is a testament to fortitude, perseverance, bravery, and unrelenting hard work.
Get Up And Get On It: A Black Entrepreneur’s Lessons on Creating Legacy and Wealth
Dana Frank
Available 6/18/2024
256 pages