Voluntary Recall of Certain Marijuana Products Due to Possible Aspergillus Contamination Alerts Arizona Establishments


Several Arizona marijuana establishments are voluntarily recalling specific products due to possible contamination with Aspergillus, a fungus that can cause allergic reactions or infection, usually in people already sick with something else.

The products being voluntarily recalled are all plant/trim and names include Blood Oath cultivated by Potent Planet, Mango Sunrise cultivated by Nature’s Wonder Inc, Muddy Waters cultivated by Source One Meds; and Jenny Kush, and Big Mac cultivated by Deep Root pHarm. See below for tables with batch numbers for each product.

The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) is advising purchasers to dispose of the products described in the table below, which were found in laboratory tests to be positive for Aspergillus.

To date, no illnesses have been reported. This announcement is being made out of an abundance of caution. Patients who have purchased potentially contaminated products should not ingest, inhale, or otherwise consume them and should dispose of them. If you have already consumed any of the products and have any of the symptoms described below, please contact your health care provider or seek care in the event of an emergency.

ADHS Lab auditors found a possible Aspergillus contamination during a routine inspection of a marijuana testing laboratory where it was determined that equipment was misused according to the manufacturer.

Once ADHS discovered the potential contamination, the establishment involved took immediate action to work with all distribution and retail partners to remove any potentially impacted products.

Consumers with any questions may contact the establishment or dispensary they purchased any of the products on the list below.


Aspergillus: Aspergillus can cause allergic reactions or infection, usually in people already sick with something else. Symptoms range from asthma or cold like symptoms to fever and chest pain among many others. A full list of symptoms can be found on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) website: https://www.cdc.gov/fungal/diseases/aspergillosis/symptoms.html


Cultivator Product Name Batch Number Product Type Implicated Contaminant
Source One Meds Muddy Waters 5726 1079 0361 6347 Plant, Trim Aspergillus
Nature’s Wonder Mango Sunrise 30476 Plant, Trim Aspergillus
Potent Planet Blood Oath BO3221213H Plant, Trim Aspergillus
Deep Root pHarm Jenny Kush JK230116H Plant, Trim Aspergillus
Deep Root pHarm Big Mac BMAC230116H Plant, Trim Aspergillus

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