Tempe to Pursue AI Technologies Ethically, Equitably


The City of Tempe has committed to evaluating Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies before implementation with the recent adoption of an Ethical AI Policy that outlines principles, guidelines and procedures for responsible use within the city.

Tempe is believed to be the first city in Arizona to enact a policy involving ethical use of AI. The City Council approved the policy June 15. Transparency, fairness, accountability and the protection of individual rights are the guiding principles of the document, with the intention of driving innovation while increasing efficiency and improving experiences for the community.

“Like other forms of technology that have come before it, we need to be intentional with the problems we want to tackle with AI and to consider those who might be impacted by its use,” said Tempe’s Chief Data & Analytics Officer Stephanie Deitrick. “Aligning conversations around AI with Tempe values provides a path for innovation and using AI ethically and transparently, while creating value for the community.”

For everyone, AI technologies are already features of our phones, computers and entertainment. They also have the potential to offer exciting new capabilities to cities. Tempe has not yet deployed novel AI technologies, such as chatbots or automated review of employment applications to gauge qualifications.

Now, with the city policy, Tempe will evaluate potential impacts to the community before choosing to use an AI technology. One of the guiding principles that will drive this approach is the involvement of people in the ongoing use of AI technologies, including through measures like proactive quality control checks to ensure that AI use over time continues to be accurate and unbiased.

Tempe has been recognized two years in a row by What Works Cities for use of its data to make evidence-based decisions. Tempe’s gold certification status through What Works Cities is the national standard of excellence in data-driven city governance. Tempe is one of 18 cities nationally that achieved gold level certification for 2022.

“Making data and evidence key to our decision-making provides a foundation for more equitable, safe and healthy communities,” Deitrick said. “What Works Cities evaluates how well cities are leveraging data and evidence and sets the standards for best practices in data-driven decisions. Our Ethical Artificial Intelligence Policy allows us to mitigate risks to our community while aligning with a What Works Cities best practice.”

For more information, read Tempe’s Ethical AI Policy.

Photo courtesy of Downtown Tempe.

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